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Program Overview
Our award-winning Outbound Learning program seeks to combine the academic support and one-on-one mentoring of Homework Club with opportunities to expand students’ horizons beyond their own neighborhood. Students are bused to participating corporate and community partner sites, where they are mentored by employee volunteers. This program exposes students to a variety of professional environments and potential career paths, while simultaneously providing them with one-on-one academic support and meaningful relationships with mentors.
Outbound Learning Partners: Each partner program has its own educational focus and dedicated staff to coordinate logistics. We are extremely grateful for all of the time, energy, and resources our partners contribute to makes Outbound Learning a unique and enriching experience for our students!
St. John’s of the Lake
Third grade students learn about oral tradition and storytelling from residents of St. John’s of the Lake retirement community.
Congregation Shalom
Elementary students from Our Next Generation, are bused to Congregation Shalom once a week. Mirroring the structure of Homework Club, students not only receive help with their academic assignments, but are also exposed to different cultural perspective.
University School of Milwaukee
Elementary students pair up with High School mentors to work on homework and build positive relationships.
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Students from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee host student from Our Next Generation on campus, exposing them to the college environment and providing weekly homework help.